Thursday, June 16, 2011

Level 3 - Day 5

I had every intention of starting a blog on Day 1 of Level 1...obviously that did not happen, so I will recap quickly, my experience and thoughts on levels 1, 2 and the first 4 days of level 3 to catch up.  Hopefully I will stay on track from here on out :)

Level 1:  My thoughts, as I think back to when I first started almost 30 days ago, was "Wow, this is innovative!"  I wondered why no one had thought of this before.  Working your accessory muscles to pull everything together.  Love Tracy!  Loved her right from the first day.  I know a lot of people like a lot of cueing...I do not.  I liked how Tracy explained things and then just let you go at it.  I remember the first few days being sore and I could not believe that I was sore without hardly using any weight.  After the first few days, I challenged myself by adding some ankle weights after reading a post on TAM's Community website.  The "ouch" was back again.  By days 9 and 10, I was more than ready for a change.

Level 2: I started right off the bat with one pound ankle weights.  Definitely struggled the first day, but by the second and third days I was ready to move onto 2lb weights.  I did this and pretty much stayed there for the remainder of the level.  I liked level 2 a lot and this is where I started to notice changes in my butt!  Well, my boyfriend first pointed it out, and then of course I was focused on it.  Sure enough, my pants were loose on my!  I don't really have weight to lose, so I wasn't really looking for that sort of thing.  Nor have I been taking measurements...which I totally should be doing.  But when he made me aware of that, I was extremely pleased.  I should really start doing measurements...note to self!

I really am not looking to lose weight...I'm just looking to re-design parts of my body that have fallen victim to weight training methods that I did not like.  So by level 3, I really am now a believer in Tracy's method.

Level 3:  So the moves definitely got harder.  I'm enjoying the abs, both standing and laying down.  I sometimes wear my one lb hand weights that I used for kickboxing, for the free arms and that makes a lot of difference to me.  Since starting this level, I've had two strangers comment on how lean and defined my arms are...and of course my boyfriend keeps his focus on how my butt is continuing to becoming tighter...LOL.  On day 5, today, I used one lb ankle weights for the legs section.  This is the 3rd day of me using the ankle weights for this level.  I honestly do not know if I will make it to the 2 lb weights b/c this level is hard for me...what I like to call "extremely ouchy!"  The one move I get annoyed with is the second leg move.  My range of motion just feels weird.  I don't feel like I can kick my leg out directly to the side like Tracy does.  But by this day, I've got the rest of the moves down.  I choose the music only option and just do it! 

I guess I should add that I find it very helpful to watch each level a few times prior to doing it.  So on day 8 and/or 9 of a level, I've been watching the next level to prepare.  I count the reps Tracy does for each leg movement, b/c it seems as though she is not balanced on what she does on each side.  I'm finding she either does around 30 or 40 reps of a move, so I stick with those numbers.  By day 3 of each level, I just listen to the music and breathe through it!

Not sure if I will blog daily, but I definitely will blog one or two times throughout each level.  I'll try to do one more before level 3 is done. 

I'm leaving to visit my parents in South Carolina for a short vacation with my boyfriend next weekend!  I will definitely be bringing Tracy with me...she now will go everywhere with me!  I've even ordered and received Continuity already ... LOL

Much much love for TAM!!!

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